Why You Should Care About Technical SEO

There are many aspects of digital marketing that your brand may consider in order to grow and generate new leads. For example, you may focus on social media marketing, or put some effort into content marketing. One area of marketing people seem to neglect is technical SEO. Technical SEO revolves around optimizing your website in order to improve user experience and appeal to search engine crawlers. So what’s so good about technical SEO, and why should you care about it at all? Let’s take a look.

Increase Search Engine Rankings

One of the most obvious reasons why you should care about technical SEO is that doing so can improve your website’s search engine rankings. When search engine crawlers index your website, they consider various factors such as load times, organization, and mobile-friendliness. If you do not have any technical SEO services, your website will likely be penalized and not rank as high. You want to rank as high as possible in search engine results so that you increase the amount of traffic coming into your website. More web traffic will result in increased brand awareness and more sales, which can help your business grow.

Improve User Experience

When you engage in technical SEO, you are doing much more than just simply improving your search engine rankings. Although ranking higher for certain searches is very important, there are other benefits that you can enjoy as well. For example, when you engage in technical SEO, you will probably greatly increase the overall user experience. As mentioned before, features like website load times and organization are factored into your search engine rankings. Improving these features will allow users to load your website faster and navigate it more easily. Very often, users may exit your website due to slow load times or because they can’t find what they’re looking for, causing you to lose out on a potential customer. However, engaging in technical SEO can ensure that your website will run smoothly for users.

Reach New Users

A key part of technical SEO is optimizing your website for mobile devices and other unique forms of browsing. When search engine crawlers index your website, mobile-friendliness is a key feature that they look at, meaning website optimization for mobile viewing is an extremely important part of technical SEO. However, optimizing your website for different forms of browsing can be extremely beneficial in its own way. Mobile browsing has risen greatly in recent years, and all signs point to those numbers continuing to increase. As a result, making your website more mobile-friendly and easily accessible for mobile viewers can not only boost your search engine rankings but can also allow you to reach an entirely new segment of consumers. 

Maintain Consistent Design

What people see on your website will often be closely associated with your brand identity. You want people to see the same messages and styles while on your website, something that can really hammer home a brand identity and increase recognizability among consumers. If you don’t engage in technical SEO and don’t properly optimize your website, your website can appear different on various devices. For example, browsing on a phone or home console may result in your website looking vastly different than what it looks like on a computer. It’s not enough to just simply have your website work on other devices, it also needs to maintain a consistent design that fits your brand identity.

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