Joint implementation of search warrants leads to confiscation of weapons in Olongapo City

Elements of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit (CIDG)-Olongapo and the 301st Maritime police conducted a search warrants against a siblings in possession of undocumented firearms in Olongapo City.

At 8:00 in the morning today Tuesday, October 27, 2020, armed with four search warrants issued by Judge Raymond Viray of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 75, CIDG operatives under Police Major Michael John Villanueva, immediately went to the residence of brothers Edilberto and Manuel Buenafe at Baloy Long beach drive, Barangay Barreto.

Authorities confiscated one 9mm caliber, a .22 caliber long firearm, a vintage pistol and assorted ammunitions.

The Buenafe’s didn’t show any permits or documents for the firearms when asked by police.

The brothers are now in custody at the CIDG Olongapo custodial detention facility in violation of the RA 10591 or the Comprehensive Law on Firearms and Ammunition Act.

According to Major Villanueva, the successful operation was conducted through the “Oplan Paglalansag-OMEGA” by CIDG, in its anti-criminality campaign on loose firearm and calls onto public to surrender any firearm in their possession particularly those without proper documents.

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