Ex-PNP chief Guillermo Eleazar files COC for senator under Lacson party

FORMER Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Guillermo Eleazar today filed his Certificate of Candidacy on the last day of filing for withdrawal or substitution of candidates for the 2022 elections.

Eleazar is the substitute for publicist Paolo Capino, who withdrew his senatorial bid as candidate of Partido Reporma, Senator Ping Lacson’s political party, prior to Eleazar’s arrival.

The Comelec Law Department accepted the documents submitted by Eleazar as substitute candidate.

Eleazar retired from the PNP last Saturday upon reaching the mandatory retirement age of 56 and was formally sworn in on Sunday as a new member of Lacson’s party. He is now part of Partido Reporma’s senatorial slate under the Ping Lacson-Vicente “Tito” Sotto III tandem.

Meanwhile, Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Teodoro Locsin expressed hope that Eleazar would win in his senatorial bid for the May 2022 elections.

In a Twitter post, Locsin said that Eleazar clearly proved that the reform programs in the PNP would eventually benefit the people and showed that it can be done.

I won’t wish you luck Gen Eleazar. The victory of a man of your quality shouldn’t be left to luck. I wish our country luck that you win,” said Secretary Locsin.

In just six months, Eleazar worked hard to greatly improve the image of the PNP, which led to the big jump of trust and approval ratings of the police organization.

You showed it can be done: Police power as it should be to achieve its purpose of public’s security and society’s peace,” said Locsin.

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