Two COVID patients in Malabon died

Two people with COVID-19 in Malabon City died recently, according to a report from the Malabon City Health Department last November 27.

The two COVID-19 victims were from Dampalit and Panghulo. This brings the total number of fatalities to 222 deaths so far in the city.

An additional 31 confirmed cases were also reported, bringing the total number of positive cases to 5,822 with 30 tagged as active cases.

The new cases were from various barangays that include Concepcion (1), Dampalit (2), Longos (12), Maysilo (1), Muzon (2), Panghulo (5), Potrero (1), Tinajeros (3), Tonsuya (2) and Tugatog (1).

Meanwhile, 23 cases were reported to have recovered coming from barangays such as Concepcion (1), Ibaba (1), Longos (9), Maysilo (1), Niugan (1), Panghulo (5), Tinajeros (3), and Tonsuya (2).

This brings the total of recovered patients in the city to 5,570.

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