TWO-TIME ASEAN Green Hotel awardee, The Bellevue Resort in Bohol was at the forefront of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) in Bohol for the fourth year in a row.
Despite the pandemic, the resort remains committed to protect the environment. This year, the resort expanded its participation province-wide with 2-day hybrid activities in partnership with the Department of Tourism IDOT) and the provincial government of Bohol through its Provincial Tourism Office.

The Bellevue Resort kicked off the worldwide campaign when it hosted the webinar “Connect and Collect: Trash Free Seas Start at Home” with 128 virtual attendees with speakers – Miss Universe PH ‘20 – 3rd Runner Up and Ambassador for Tourism, Pauline Amelinckx, Bb. Pilipinas International 2021 Hannah Arnold, and Coastal Resource Division Head of Bohol Environment Management Office, Villa Pelindingue, who shared their insights and talked about interesting waste management methods and possible solutions starting at home.

Last month, a total of 772 volunteers all over Bohol joined the socially distant cleanup drive with 22 local government units (LGUs) in their respective communities with small-scale groups, including organizations and the private sector, who all formed special bubble groups to ensure everyone’s safety while following health protocols. Among the volunteers were 63 licensed divers for underwater cleanup at Doljo Seas, Panglao Island.

Volunteers were able to remove a total of 2,159 kilos of non-biodegradable trash from the coastline and underwater, which they successfully collected and segregated. While following strict safety protocols, this year’s ICC was supported volunteers and partners such as the DOT, provincial government of Bohol led by Governor Art Yap, Municipality of Panglao, Globe Telecom, Club Aquasports, Clean Code, Sea & Land, Blue Freedom Apnea, Plastic Free Bohol, and Mister Bohol Organization.
Although things may be different due to the ongoing pandemic, people are now getting accustomed to the new norm, where they can still make an impact by working together or even apart to clean up and protect the oceans.
Since its opening in 2013, The Bellevue Resort has consistently spearheaded meaningful initiatives in promoting responsible tourism in Bohol, while playing an active role in promoting sustainability and helping the community.