PNP appeals to the public: “Be more responsible when visiting leisure areas”

THE country’s top cop appealed to the public to exercise a sense of responsibility when visiting public and leisure areas amid the enforcement of Alert Level 3 in Metro Manila.

This was the appeal of Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Guillermo Eleazar amid reports that health and safety protocols were supposedly not observed by those visiting public areas like the Dolomite Beach along Roxas Boulevard in Manila.

Concerned police offices and units were then tasked by PGen. Eleazar to make sure that enough policemen are deployed in these areas to help the marshals in implementing safety standards and controlling the crowd.

We keep reminding the public to strictly observe and follow the minimum health standards, especially in a public or leisure area such as the Dolomite Beach. I understand the desire of our kababayan to go out of their homes, but if we will not be careful, it would be no surprise if the number of COVID-19 cases will increase again that will force the government to be strict again with the protocols,” PGen Eleazar said.

I have also instructed our unit commanders to deploy enough police presence in public areas to ensure the observance of minimum public health safety (standards), which is what the Department of Health asks from the us,” he added.

Still, PGen Eleazar reminded police personnel to observe maximum tolerance, especially to those who will be caught violating the protocols.

The national government decided to downgrade Metro Manila’s alert status to Level 3 amid the decrease in COVID-19 infections. The said alert level will be implemented until the end of October.

Several establishments are allowed to operate at 30 percent indoor venue capacity only for fully vaccinated individuals, and 50 percent outdoor venue capacity, provided that all employees are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.


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