PHILIPPINE National Police (PNP) personnel were told to be on the alert and strictly implement minimum public health standards as the National Capital Region (NCR) shifts to a lower alert level starting today, October 16 up to October 31.
As the enforcement of Alert Level 3 in Metro Manila starts, PNP Chief, Police General Guillermo Eleazar said that despite the easing of protocols and opening of more establishments, he said the threat of COVID infection remains and may eventually result in more infections if people would ignore the health safety protocols.
“As Metro Manila is downgraded to Alert Level 3, I have already tasked our unit commanders in the region to be on the alert and be active in enforcing the minimum public health safety standards so the people will avoid being complacent and will trigger another surge in COVID-19 cases in the country,” PGen Eleazar said.
The Chief PNP reminded all police offices and units to coordinate with local government units and business establishments as the enforcement of protocols need the collective work of all agencies and stakeholders.
PGen Eleazar expects that more police officers will be deployed in public areas and establishments that were allowed to operate amid the easing of alert level.
He reminded the public to remain cautious and continue observing protocols to avoid getting infected with COVID-19.
“I appeal to the public again to bear in mind and heart that we still need to observe health and safety protocols and that the threat of COVID-19 is still present,” PGen Eleazar said.