Resolution filed to give “contractual” workers in gov’t “gratuity pay” for FY 2021

A RESOLUTION was filed today in the House of Representatives, urging President Rodrigo Duterte to give a P10,000 “gratuity pay” incentive for Job Order (JO) and Contract of Service (COS) workers in government for Fiscal Year 2021.

In House Resolution 2391, it noted that the JO and COS workers in government do not receive benefits such as “mid-year and year-end-bonuses” compared to regular employees.

The resolution further stated that the JOs and contractuals are also working just like any regular employee in government and would sometimes fill up certain positions in case of manpower shortage in some government agencies.

Aside from this, the JO and the COS were also obligated to provide service even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The resolution further emphasized that these are already enough reasons for JO and COS workers to receive the P10,000 additional financial incentive that they can use for their pandemic-related expenses, and to be able to cope with high prices of consumer goods and low wages.

Based on the Inventory of Government Human Resources last August 2021, there are an estimated 582,378 government workers working under the JO and contractual scheme.

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