THE Department of Health (DOH) insists that there was no overpricing in relation to the ambulances it procured.
In a statement,. the department said the procurement of the ambulances was done through a competitive bidding conducted by 17 Centers for Health and Development (CHD) and 54 DOH hospitals.
It said the Type 1 ambulance procured by the DOH is one that requires a higher number of equipment and training and is envisioned to provide basic life support. This is a different type compared to the “Patient Transport Vehicle,” another type of ambulance but with a lower price.
“As to allegations that ambulance medical equipment are also grossly overpriced, the DOH reiterates its position that much like the differences in the type of ambulance, there are also differences as to the type of medical equipment required inside a Type 1 Ambulance compared to non-licensed Patient Transport Vehicle. For overpricing to be established, the medical equipment being compared must be similar as to the brand, quantity, timelines, and quality,” the statement read further.
The DOH said the probe on these allegations will continue but reiterated that all procurement within the Department strictly follows the policies, rules and regulations on procurement. It added that because of “competitive bidding,” the agency even achieved actual savings with regard to the ambulance procurement. “All these ambulances procured in 2019 were already fully delivered and utilized by the health facilities across the country.”