To all the ladies out there, listen up!
Menopause is a natural part of the aging process that women will have to go through eventually. It is a transitional stage in a woman’s reproductive life, a stage where your once-regular period will suddenly be irregular before reaching a full stop, thus marking the end of a woman’s childbearing years.
More than that, this stage may also be marked by a lot of discomforts; from hot flushes or a sudden feeling of warmth that spreads from the chest, neck, and face – to vaginal dryness that may cause itching, soreness, and burning sensations.
Menopausal women may also experience psychological symptoms, conditions that can take a toll in personal relationships due to mood swings and irritability. Various vasomotor symptoms especially at night may also disturb your sleep cycle, making it challenging to achieve a good night’s sleep.
The changing estrogen level of the menopausal woman also makes her prone to different health conditions like Urinary Tract Infections, it also increases the possibility of having Osteoporosis and Cardiovascular Conditions like heart disease and stroke.
But don’t despair, Science has come a long way in terms of assuaging the discomforting symptoms of menopause.
Neufemme, an herbal dietary supplement for women that contains herbal extracts derived from Mung beans and Eucommia ulmoides.
This Singapore-made supplement may help lessen the discomforts caused by perimenopause and menopause, clinically proven effective in reducing the vasomotor symptoms, with 90% of trial participants experiencing fewer hot flashes, 77% experiencing fewer menopausal symptoms, and 79% experiencing reduced emotional distress.
Neufemme has a unique mechanism of action and has also been proven effective to provide 7-day quick action relief. Just as important, Neufemme is safe and is not toxic to the liver.
Bring balance back into your body – Neufemme, the natural way of managing and relieving the signs and symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause.
With Neufemme, Look and Feel Great even in your Menopausal Years.
You may get them online at and www.goodwill. market