Four nabbed in Valenzuela illegal drugs buy-bust ops

FOUR drug personalities, including a member of the “Rodriguez Drug group,” were nabbed after the police confiscated from them a total of P.2 million worth of shabu in separate buy-bust operations in Valenzuela City.

According to Valenzuela police chief Col. Ramchrisen Haveria Jr., it was around 4:15 a.m. when operatives from the Station Drug Enforcement Unit (SDEU) led by PLt. Joel Madregalejo conducted a buy bust operation along Sta. Maria St., Brgy. Gen. T. De Leon.

Nabbed by SDEU operatives were Dante Lalog Jr., alias “Boss,” 34 years old and a member of the Rodriguez Drug Group, and Angel Givera Jr., 33 years old and a tricycle driver after they sold P8,500 worth of drugs to a police poseur buyer.

Recovered from them were an estimate 30 grams of suspected shabu with a standard drug price of P136,000, buy bust money, cellphone, coin purse and a motorcycle.

Meanwhile, it was around 7:30 am when another SDEU team conducted another buy-bust operation along Gumamela Extension, Abalos Bukid, Brgy. Gen T. De Leon and nabbed Jerry Pico, 27 years old. Confiscated from him were about 11 grams of suspected shabu worth around P70,800, P1,500 buy-bust money, P70 cash and coin pouch,

Also Brgy. Karuhatan, another SDEU team arrested Eric Leyco alias “Putol,” 31 years old, who sold P500 worth of shabu to another police poseur-buyer in a separate buy-bust operation along San Vicente Street at 9 a.m. Recovered from him were 2 grams of suspected shabu worth P13,600, buy-bust money and P300 cash.

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