Looking for a good holiday movie for the family this year? Try 8-Bit Christmas. Here are the eight reasons why you should watch it:
- It’s nostalgic especially for 80’s kids who grew up fond of Esprit, Swatch and Casio watches, Cabbage Patch Kids, and of course Nintendo.
- A good way to explain to our kids why sometimes they can’t get what they want as a Christmas gift
- “How I Met Your Mother” fans will enjoy the film not only because Neil Patrick Harris plays the lead role but more on how the story was told ala HIMYM
- You will see your self in at least one of the characters of the movie
- Plenty of laughs which both parents and kids will understand. After all, the film was produced by the people behind the Christmas classic “Elf.” Watch out for that encyclopedia part which my son and I needed to replay twice and still get the same LOL reaction
- The movie is not too long at a little over an hour and a half. New York times describes the movie as “a warm and refreshingly earnest holiday comedy”
- I was not expecting to shed tears at the end of the film. It was heartwarming and all the while you thought you’ll finish watching with dry eyes. It will just hit you and bam… instant tears under your eyebags.
- I will let you find that 8th reason in your heart because this movie will probably end up in your yearly holiday playlist
Now playing via HBO Max