Bulacan 911 emergency hotline launched

THE provincial government of Bulacan on Thursday formally launched the “Bulacan 911 emergency hotline” to strengthen its response capacity during a disaster or calamity.

With sophisticated equipment and trained Bulacan Rescue personnel, Bulakenyos can now call for emergencies, including medical ones such as heart attack, stroke, or even accidents, fire, collapsed buildings and natural calamities such as floods, earthquakes and typhoons for faster response.

The staff and crew of Bulacan Rescue 911 underwent various intensive trainings regarding the new emergency hotline.

The training course attended by the staff and crew included PLDT 911 Seminar-Orientation, Emergency Telecommunicator Certification Training, Call Handling and Emergency Dispatch.

All personnel of the Communications, Command and Control Center of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO) have been certified.

According to Governor Daniel Fernando, the launching of Bulacan Rescue 911 will help the current Bulacan 566 hotline of Bulacan Rescue in maintaining public order, safety, security and crime prevention.

With Go Live 911 using Touchpoint software, the nearest emergency responders can be called directly to further assess the situation and expedite the response.

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