Cops told to shun campaign paraphernalia

ALL police personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP) were directed to avoid posting campaign materials on their vehicles, police stations and camps.

This was the instruction given by Police General Guillermo Eleazar, anticipating early campaigning by some political aspirants as soon as the period for the filing of Certificates of Candidacy ends, said that PNP personnel must remain apolitical.

“We are expecting that after the filing of COCs, we will see stickers and posters of some candidates coming out for early campaigning,” the PNP Chief pointed out.

He said, “That is why we would like to remind our police that there should be no early campaign materials on police vehicles, police stations, even in camps.”

PGen Eleazar assured and understand that there has been an unresolved gray area on this issue but he assured the public that they will continue to isolate the PNP from any form of partisan politics.

As a professional organization, the apolitical stand of the PNP is an absolute necessity. We intend to keep it that way.”

Meanwhile, PGen Eleazar said that the PNP will continue to secure and maintain order for the duration of the filing of COCs and Certificates of Nomination and Acceptance (CONA) in Metro Manila and all other venues of COC filing nationwide.

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