Philippines, one of the safest countries – Gallup

The Philippines is one of the countries in the world that is considered to be the safest place for their people.

This according to the 2020 Global Law and Order survey released by American analytics firm, Gallup.

Based on Gallup report, the Philippines ranks 12th and has a law and order index score of 84 tops Australia, New Zealand, Poland and Serbia.

Out of 144 countries, the Philippines is in the Top 40 with high scores.

The survey was conducted in 2019 and about 175,000 individuals have been asked from around 144 countries.

The questions focus on whether they still trusted the police, whether it was safe to walk on the road at night, whether a companion was a victim of theft in the span of 12 hours, or whether was injured in an attack inside his/her house for 12 months.

Singapore and Turkmenistan topped the list with a law and order index score of 97 followed by China, Iceland, Kuwait, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Uzbekistan, and the United Arab Emirates.

Afghanistan has the lowest score of 43 as well as Gabon, Venezuela, Liberia, South Africa, Gambia, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Botswana, and Mexico.

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